This August is special and dear to our hearts here at Southside. August 28th will mark our 30th Celebration of Southside Victory Church! Yes, Southside is now in its 30s. Looking back at where we have been and how we have grown can make one think about their own journey. Have you been willing to accept the callings God has for you?
Thirty years ago, Victory Churches wanted to plant Southside Victory Church, but with a different lead Pastor; imagine Southside without Pastors Craig and Anne. God has always had His hands on our church, but we need to listen when He calls us to different places than we plan. When God called Pastor Brad Dewar elsewhere, Pastors Craig and Anne stepped up to the helm to lead our spirit-led church.
It is an honour to see how God has taken that willingness and turned it into what we know as Southside. Though it is not always easy, this journey has taught us so much and continues to teach us with each new opportunity. Obedience will always result in the most fulfilling rewards.
It says in Isaiah 1:19, If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land. However, being willing can be difficult. Sometimes we do not want to do what is asked. Sometimes we feel unable or unworthy. But, in 2 Corinthians 8:12, it says, for if the readiness is there, it is acceptable according to what a person has, not according to what he does not have. God doesn't give us more than we can handle. It also says in Psalm 121:2, my help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. If we are willing to be obedient, God will help us do what He is asking of us.
As we walk this Southside journey, we thank those who walked with us. From the beginning to the present, thank you. Our church moves forward because of your willingness to answer the call. We challenge you, dare to be willing: see where God takes you. And we invite you to celebrate with us we continue building our community of believers together.