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God's Greatest Gift

Merry Christmas Southside!

The season of joy and giving is here and Christmas is a time to celebrate on the greatest gift God has ever given to mankind.  But too often, we get distracted by the food, the parties, the shopping, the baking, and the gifts given and received.  The challenge is to look beyond the hype and the glitter and to gaze once again upon the goodness of God.

One of the wonders of Christmas is how easy it is to apply the truths in Scripture that can be applied to our lives.  Like the Wise Men, we still seek Him as King. Like Anna and Simeon who served in the Temple, we still wait for Him as our Great High Priest.  It is in our continual waiting, seeking and hunger for His Presence that we can receive the true gift; but we must choose to seek it.

Matthew 7:7 says, Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for.  Keep on seeking, and you will find.  Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.  (NLT) If we keep on actively pulling on God, He will meet us and supply our needs.  His love is extravagant; His mercies are new every morning.

This Christmas as we celebrate with our families and friends, let us not get lost in the excitement of the gifts under the tree, but take time to remember the gifts that God has poured out on us. Stay in a place of anticipation and hunger knowing that He will meet with us and fulfill His promises towards us.  It is because of His giving and blessing to us that we can in turn bless others.

Freely you have received, so freely release it to others  (Matt 10:8)

For a world that desperately needs peace, the Prince of Peace is still God’s greatest gift!

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