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Guard Your Hearts and Walk in Love

In years past, the focus always seemed to center on Valentine’s Day, love and romance, chocolates and flowers. But somehow this year, Valentine’s Day seems to have faded into the background amidst the chaos and uncertainty of the times. During the months of COVID restrictions, we have been limited to interactions with people outside of our four walls. We now are relying on Facebook and social media platforms to maintain connections.

While this has proven helpful to some, social media platforms are often fraught with influences of both religious and political spirits. Political spirits are not related to only politics and governance but rather seek to bring disunity and distrust among people by creating polarizing camps that vie for the attention of those who would like or share their opinions. 

Paul wrote to the church in Corinth, “I appeal to you, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment.” How easy it is to become splintered from friends and loved ones by differences in opinion or biases. It can result in our hearts growing cold towards others who are not the same.

It is easy to reflect and receive God’s love for us. He says over us, My dearest, let me tell you how I see you – you are so thrilling to me (Song of Songs 1:9 TPT). However, it is often a challenge to remember that He says the same things to those in our lives who have hurt us, have different views than us or whom we may not like or get along with. We are not always eager to see that He finds them thrilling, and His heart is ravished for them.

But let us guard our hearts and learn to walk in a renewed love for those around us. Let this month’s celebration of love not only be a time to appreciate and share the love with our family but reflect on how deeply the Father loves us and desires us to love one another deeply from the heart (I Peter 1:22)  

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