After Jesus rebuked the wind and waves, the disciples were absolutely terrified. Mark 4: 39-41 The crowd, likewise, were overcome with fear as they beheld the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons now sitting fully clothed and perfectly sane. Mark 5:14-16
What fear then swept the audience who saw the tangible glory of God and that fire blazing forth from His presence consuming the burnt offering? Those people shouted with joy and fell face down on the ground. Leviticus 9:23-24. What will it be like when the holiness and glory of God sweep in during the next revival? Will we continue on with Jesus as the disciples did? Or will we join the crowd who pleaded with Jesus to go away and leave them alone?
Certainly, there will be joy for many as we are caught up in His next great move; but there will inevitably be some, like Nadab and Abihu, who fall short in pursuit of their own agendas. Leviticus 10:1-3 In their day the Lord declared: I will display My holiness. Through those who come near me. I will display My glory Before all the people. As those who come near the Lord on the brink of this greatest wave of all, let’s prepare our hearts in reverent fear so that we display His holiness and glory well.