I love this time of the year. Winter loosens its grip and the smell of spring is in the air. It’s the time to celebrate the birthdays of family and friends and to celebrate the joys of Easter. For some, it’s a time for bunnies, chocolates and baby chicks, a sign of sweetness and new birth. But for the Church, it is a time to reflect on the true symbol of new birth.
What is the symbol of new birth?
Unfortunately, many spend their Easter reflecting on the past, what was accomplished by the death and resurrection of Jesus. However, what often gets lost is the wonder and glory of the Cross in our daily lives. It has been said, ‘When we look at God’s face, we see His glory, but when we look at the Cross, we see His heart.’ It is the very heart of God that moves us and draws us deeper into the secret places of the Spirit.
During the time of the Toronto Blessing, there was a tremendous revelation of the Father Heart of God and the move of the Spirit bringing revival to hungry people. However, it quickly became apparent that when Jesus and His Cross are at the center, the Holy Spirit is released to do what He was sent to do. The glory of God rested on the testimonies of what God was doing, and every testimony was and is pregnant with life for innumerable miracles. Everything that God does is about creating and releasing life in all areas of our existence. This is to be reproduced itself in the lives of those around us.
The Purpose of the Cross
The Cross is not merely a historic event or a one-time happening. It brought us out of the kingdom of darkness into His Kingdom. It is an everlasting force unfolding its power down through the ages. “The glory of the Cross is an explosive, eternal, energy-creating, continually unfolding revelation of beauty. The Cross is the glory of God. In it, we behold Him as He really is. Calvary must not be an aversion or a thing of the past…The Cross reveals God as He is. It shows Him perfect, self-giving, irresistible, humble, absolutely omnipotent in power and completely obsessed with His love for us.” (The Glory of the Cross by Mahesh Chavda).
May you be overwhelmed by His love for you this Easter.